The Physical Edge, London- Rhys Chong's Physio Services

I rarely do this, but sometimes I feel like taking out a page of my travel blog to recommend a friend's services.
When I was in London, on a still sprained ankle, my buddy Rhys  helped me out by doing some physical work on my foot, both acupuncture as well as moving my ankle to release stiffness, and giving me some exercises to do.

The truth is, the man is super honest, hard working, and really cares about the welfare of his patients. For these reasons, I whole heartedly wish to recommend his services to those of you in need of physical therapy in London.
Rhys did not ask me to do this, and offered nothing in return. I have recommended (as of now) only one other business in all my travels, in 160 or so posts, so I absolutely mean what I say.
You, as a client, will definitely benefit from Rhys's work. I know I did.

I introduce Rhys here in this jokey video, but my sentiments are 100% true. 

or contact them

The Physical Edge
2 Pelham St, South Kensington, London, SW7 2NG
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7581 4222
Mobile: +44 (0) 77 2361 2514

sincerely hope this helps you, if you found this on Google or whatnot. Cheers!

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