Smille - Laser Teeth Whitening Clinic in Prague Review (Czech Republic)

Many people go to foreign countries for cheaper medical care and cosmetic surgery. The Czech Republic is pretty high in the list I am told.
Near the Smichov Mall in Prague 5, I ran into a business with such an elegant yet simple interior design (a laser teeth whitening clinic,) I decided to stop in and take a gander.
here is quick tour of Smille
The Czech Republic is infamous for poor customer service, where it's normally "buyer beware." This is not the case at Smille, as the owners invited me out for lunch, and described how they could make much more money if they used cheaper gels, but the customers wouldn't be getting as good a result.
"I don't want to come to work, and not give my customers the best that they can get," explains one of the partners, "We offer a money back guarantee if they're not happy with their procedure."
"Really, that flies in the face of other experiences I've had in the Czech Republic," I state, thinking of several times businesses seemed much less forgiving towards their customers.
"It's just good business," she explains, "Happy clients bring me more customers. Plus I feel so good when I go home at night, knowing that people are truly happy after they have had the procedure done."
"That's very noble," I answer nodding my head. She nods back, pleased with the conversation; She's genuinely upbeat, which isn't the most common attitude found in this country.
meet Maria, Smiling Smille receptionist
Though my time here was short, I did witness one girl walking out from her laser teeth whitening procedure, beaming. For however long it lasts, she felt good about herself, more confident. The receptionist is smiling as well as the customer exits.
"It makes you happy?" I ask.
"Yes," she replies, "She got such a nice result. her teeth look much better. It's a nice job."
It's nice to see some businesses in this former Eastern Bloc country that operate on such a premise. I think I'm writing this as gift, not only because they took to lunch in the mall, but in leaving the elegantly designed reception area, I did so with a smile on my face.
If you are in Prague, and looking for a cheaper place than in America or Western Europe, that gives top quality care, to get your teeth whitened, then I highly suggest you visit

Smille- Laser Teeth Whitening and Dental Clinic

(I did not get paid for this, unless you count my meal. This is a very sincere endorsement, and the only one you'll find in the entire 125 + entries in my travel adventure blog. Just something I felt like doing)

Here is their new address and phone #Tel. +420 257 941 296

Štefánikova 203/23
4. patro
150 00 Praha 5

The Small Famous Town of Kutna Hora (Czech Republic)

Situated 80km outside of Prague, the town of Kutna Hora is renowned for its bone church, a small cathedral containing the remains of 60,000 souls, most of which who had fallen victim to black plague in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Kutna Hora
Coming here you’ll believe your vehicle was equipped for time travel. The buildings are ancient, and its citizens move slowly, in no apparent hurry. Today the streets are largely empty as the wind howls voraciously, it's unseasonably cold on this early spring day, the temperatures hovering precariously just above zero.
Looking from atop a monument, at the modest dwellings below, chickens can be seen walking around the back yards, providing eggs and fresh organic meat for the locals. In the city’s center are a few bars and restaurants, a profit center for the locals, frequented by the many visiting tourists. Our meals are simple, yet absolutely delectable, perhaps the best food I have eaten the entire time I have been in Europe, the freshness of the ingredients evident in the taste. I sit there and ponder how much nutrition and taste I miss out on living in the big city.
the town of Kutna Hora- picture not doing it justice
Surrounding the central village are magnificent creations, pieces of architecture from long ago times towering over us. I sit there, mouth agape, wondering how such beauty was created so many years ago, and despite our technological advances, we’re incapable as a society to create such wondrous edifices. Perhaps there is a downside to “efficiency.”
towering church wall

The wind howls, yelling for us to take refuge. We’d have loved to walk around longer, but Mother Nature is not being cooperative. We get into our car and drive back to Prague, my head over my shoulder, looking back, taking in a glimpse of the beautiful scenery one more time.
monument, man's head carved into stone- picture taken from long distance

The Bone Church of Kutna Hora- (Czech Republic)

The scary bone albatross

bone chandaleir

I had heard from a friend of a church made nearly entirely out of human bone during the Middle Ages when black plague ravaged Europe and bodies piled so high in cemeteries, there was seemingly no place left to be buried.
                                The bone chandelier- every bone in the human body
Necessity being the mother of invention, enter in an early 16th century monk named “Solution.” He was kind enough to grant me this interview:
“Everyone dead, and I decided it was blasphemy to have the pews empty during Sunday mass, even if it might been God’s fault in a way. So I filled the church with 60,000 people, and although technically, not alive, or with any organs left, at least any that worked, when I said something amusing, as my audience had no vocal cords, you could hear a loud clattering of bones, a skeleton nod if you will of approval.”
Looking around the church today, the remains of 60,000 people piled to the roof in separate cages, skulls adorning the chapel as decorations, a chandelier made an entirely from every bone in the human body, one gains a sense of one’s own mortality. No matter where you are, what you do, your body is destined to act as a clattering approval mechanism for unfunny monk.
Live a little, Carpe Diem.
                                     here is a video tour of the whole church- fascinating

Look at the pile of bones behind us, to the roof!

The bird's scientific name is "Eyeball Picker"- he is not popular
is that you Sully?

early 16th century black plague victims

Click here to see the beautiful, small Czech town, Kutna Hora where the church is